Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Its true!!! I graduated!!!!! Im done with high school!!! I am an adult. Im all grown up. I am so happy to be done with high school!!! I have made so many new friends and I have grown in so many ways in the past three years. I loved high school but i am so excited to move on to college!!! Here are some more pics from graduation!!


  1. awww, cute pictures! I can't believe that you are graduated now, and ready to move on! I am so excited for you, and so proud of the decisions that you are making in your life! I love you sweetie!!

  2. Sure are a cutie and I love you tons! I can't believe how grown up you are now...seems like yesterday you and I were asleep on the couch watching late night football:). I'm very proud of you and am excited for your ya kid and love the blog.

  3. Congrats on the graduation. We are really proud of you! You are going to have a great time at Snow. Love ya!
